Renowned Argentinean progressive house DJ Hernán Cattáneo looked back at the history of progressive house music in a live concept show called “Future Memories” at the Teatro Gran Rex in Buenos Aires, Argentina on September 18-19. Lighting Designer and Director Sergio Lacroix utilized 32 Claypaky Sharpy Plus fixtures to bring the past into the future for a show that represented much more than Cattáneo’s back catalog.
Classic progressive house music has been termed “a boundless adventure” which takes the listener on a journey to uncharted territory. The four-act “Future Memories” followed that path with Cattáneo and his colleagues creating unique visions for the audience in an environment merging dazzling audio and visual elements.
“Accompanying a show of quasi-pure electronics, the visual role was the protagonist to carry the experience forward,” explains Lacroix. “The main goal was to ensure that the musicians, performing on platforms, floated within the scene and integrated with the video screen and floor props.”
Lacroix obtained the Sharpy Plus fixtures from Adrian Condomi. Pedro Pampin was responsible for setting up the lights and effects. “We always try to work with the best equipment that the market offers,” notes Pedro.
“It’s also important that the fixtures be in the best condition in terms of maintenance and lamp hours. The beam has become standard when it comes to designing with light, and Claypaky is the manufacturer that’s given prominence to this type of luminaire.”

He recalls the first Sharpy arriving in Argentina and years later enjoys working with the Sharpy Plus. “Today, with Sharpy Plus, I can recreate the sensation of having something unique in your hands, something that, when used well, has the ability to surprise in a world where it is increasingly difficult to achieve those emotions in public. And we certainly succeeded with this show.”
Pampin calls Sharpy Plus “a true three-in-one fixture that’s fast and accurate. It has functions that are usually found in profile equipment, such as animation wheels. It offers very careful beam control without losing luminosity even at super-close angles that require the use of balloons. And it has a spotlight that accompanies the beam for many meters projecting sharpness onto the light at each stage.”
Mauricio Brando, Claypaky’s Latin America Regional Sales Manager, says that, “Having a product as complete as Sharpy Plus available in many Latin American countries speaks of the excellent cost-benefit ratio of this fixture, which is a 100 percent spot and 100 percent beam hybrid. We’re happy to be able to demo it once again in Buenos Aires.”
Macaio Argentina is the exclusive Claypaky distributor in Argentina.