Dark Matter Gallery Launched in Berlin

Dark Matter is a brand-new permanent exhibition space for lighting, visual and sonic art, and technology…

Nicholas Nicky Sintara And CHAUVET Professional Reflect 21 Personalities On Nyaradzo Livestream

Nyaradzo Group didn’t get to be one of Africa’s most successful companies by doing things half…

Jimmy Davidson and CHAUVET Professional Ramp Up Cody Johnson Memorial Day Shows

As a rule, Jimmy Davidson favors intense looks in his lighting designs. But sometimes rules are…

GLP Fusion Exo Beam 10 Assists World Record Drone Show

Jens Hillenkötter delivers crisp beams for 150 light show drones in Berlin’s Olympic Park. When the…

Elation KL Panel™ flexible fit for Creative Technology’s LED studios

Specialist solutions supplier, Creative Technology Group, has increasingly turned to Elation Professional’s KL Panel™ LED soft…

New disguise rx II hardware sets the standard for real-time content rendering

In its mission to revolutionise real-time content rendering, disguise has unveiled its new rx II hardware…

TDS uses Pixotope’s® augmented reality technology to celebrate 60th anniversary of first human journey into outer space

On 12 April 1961, Soviet pilot and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human to journey…

AAPTLE Launches Latest Backstage Industry Mental Health Evaluation

AAPTLE (The Alliance of Associations and Professionals in Theatre & Live Events), Wellbeing Group has launched…

MECC Invests in Robe FORTES

Mackay Entertainment and Conference Centre (MECC) is a busy and diverse complex of nine different venue…

Keith Hoagland Creates Camera Candy For Jason Aldean’s Bonnaroo Farm Show With CHAUVET Professional

Keith Hoagland is not normally given to public displays of emotion. But at the start of…