OSA International, Inc., which delivers world-class entertainment technology, event production and systems integration, based in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Nashville, has added a large complement of Claypaky Xtylos fixtures to its rental inventory.
The first moving head light with a laser light source, the compact Xtylos is the most dynamic fixture on the market. “Our lighting division was launched in November 2019, so everything we have is the newest and highest technology,” says Mark Fetto, OSA’s Vice President, Lighting. “Acquiring the Xtylos was the perfect way to build our inventory with the latest and greatest.” OSA had previously purchased Claypaky Mini-B fixtures for the new division.
Fetto believes that, as a beam light, the Xtylos will be not only in demand for the touring market but also for special events and entertainment shows at big corporate gatherings.
“We really like how vibrant and punchy the Xytlos is when you add color – that’s where it’s really strong,” Fetto notes. Unlike subtractive mixing used with discharge lamps, the powerful laser engine delivers colored light beams as bright as a white light beam.

The first customer for OSA’s Xtylos was Hope Church in Las Vegas, which needed flashy beam lights for its summer youth event, REVIVE 2021. OSA’s resident Lighting Designer, Duke Carlisle, designed the lighting package and specified the fixtures. OSA supplied the entire lighting rig for the show with the Xtylos as centerpiece fixtures placed on the floor upstage.
Since then, the Xtylos have also been requested by metal band Korn’s Lighting Designer Thomas Christmann. He asked for 20 Xtylos for the band’s rig at back-to-back festival performances on July 16 and 17 – first at the Upheaval Festival in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and then at the Rock Fest Wisconsin 2021, held in Cadott.
The Xtylos are expected to go out on an upcoming summer band tour as well.
“I think lasers are the next step in light sources,” says Fetto, “and with the Xtylos in our inventory OSA is well positioned for the future.”
“We are pleased that OSA chose to add the Xtylos to their modern inventory and proud to partner with them as they embrace this cutting edge technology. Our industry artists are constantly searching for innovative, creative options, and Xtylos gives them both,” added George Masek, Claypaky Strategic Marketing Manager.